Once you’ve made the decision to attend Fontbonne, you’ll want to select and secure your housing. Options include dorm-style, private and semi-private rooms and suites and four-person apartment style suites, and your application is not considered complete without your deposit.
The Department of Residential Life here at Fontbonne University is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for University holidays. For answers to your questions, contact a staff member in the Residential Life office at ktovar@2swanky.com or 314.889.1422.
1. Read about the types of housing available on campus, as well as the varying room and board rates.
2. To confirm your enrollment and your desire to live in on-campus housing, the deposit amount is $300. Of this amount, $100 is credited to your account in your first semester of enrollment. $200 serves as a residence hall security deposit.
If you need guidance, please refer to this instruction guide.
NOTE: The housing contract and security deposit holds a space not a particular building, floor, room, or roommate. Consideration is given to every request.
3. Complete and submit the housing contract form
The housing contracts are for a full academic year (fall and spring semesters). The housing contract, medical form, and housing security deposit must be received by the Residential Life office before a housing assignment can be made.
4. University required immunizations are required for ALL first time residents and international students in university housing. A completed Fontbonne University Medical History Form with the required immunization records must be included with your application. If you do not comply, it will jeopardize your housing application. Send completed medical form and immunization records to the Campus Nurse.
Living on campus allows you to experience American life first-hand. You will find our residence halls are well-equipped, comfortable, and a great way to make fast lifelong friends. Apply early for On Campus housing.
Please note that specific housing requests are not guaranteed, even if applications are received before your arrival. Applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received.
1. Read about the types of housing available on campus, as well as the varying room and board rates.
2. To confirm your enrollment and your desire to live in on-campus housing, the deposit amount is $300. Of this amount, $100 is credited to your account in your first semester of enrollment. $200 serves as a residence hall security deposit.
If you need guidance, please refer to this instruction guide.
NOTE: The housing security deposit holds a space. Consideration is given to a request, however, the housing contract is for a space in university housing not a particular building, floor, room, or roommate.
3. Complete and submit the housing application contract below:
Housing Contract
* The housing contract is for a full academic year (fall and spring semesters). The housing contract, medical form, and housing security deposit must be received by the Residential Life office before a housing assignment can be made.
4. University required immunizations are required for ALL first time residents and international students in university housing. A completed Fontbonne University Medical History Form with the required immunization records must be included with your application. If you do not comply, it will jeopardize your housing application. Send completed medical form and immunization records to the Campus Nurse.
Go to the page containing the complete information regarding International Student Immunizations. This is a requirement for commuting and resident students living on campus.
The Department of Residential Life at Fontbonne University is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for University holidays. For answers to your questions, contact a staff member in the Residential Life office at ktovar@2swanky.com or 314-889-1422.
1. Read about the types of housing available on campus, as well as the varying room and board rates.
2. To confirm your enrollment and your desire to live in on-campus housing, the deposit amount is $300. Of this amount, $100 is credited to your account in your first semester of enrollment. $200 serves as a residence hall security deposit.
If you need guidance, please refer to this instruction guide.
NOTE: The housing contract and security deposit holds a space – not a particular building, floor, room, or roommate. Consideration is given to every request.
3. Complete and submit the Contract and Medical Form:
Housing Contract
*The housing contract is for a full academic year (fall and spring semesters). The housing contract, medical form, and housing security deposit must all be received by the Residential Life office before housing can be assigned.
4. University required immunizations are required for ALL first time residents and international students in university housing. A completed Fontbonne University Medical History Form with the required immunization records must be included with your application. If you do not comply, it will jeopardize your housing application. Send completed medical form and immunization records to the Campus Nurse.
April 30 – deadline for interim/summer housing contract, housing security deposit, medical history form with immunization information due in the Department of Residential Life.
May 1 – deadline for fall semester housing contract, housing security deposit, medical history form with immunization information due in the Department of Residential Life to receive priority housing assignments.
June 1 – fall deadline to cancel housing. No refunds for fall after this date. Forms must be completed in the Student Affairs office in Medaille Hall.
August 1 – fall semester deadline for medical history form with immunization information due in the Department of Residential Life.
Questions? Contact a Residential Life staff member at 314-889-1422, or by email at ktovar@2swanky.com.